Are you ready to start 2023 with a bang? A great way to get the year off to a successful start is to take advantage of popular hashtags on social media. When used correctly, hashtags can increase your brand awareness and help you reach new customers. In this blog post, we’ll explore the top January hashtags for social media that can help jumpstart your success in the new year.
What are hashtags?
A hashtag helps highlight a keyword or phrase within a post or comment by using the hashtag symbol (#). social networks index the content so everyone can discover it, even if they are not followers.
How do Hashtags work?
With hashtags, you can reach your target audience. The more relevant they are to the content of your content, the more likely they are to see it. In general, you can use any word or phrase as a hashtag.
These are some hashtags that you can use on social media to boost your popularity in 2023.
January Hashtags
Daily Social Media Hashtags
Consider incorporating daily hashtags when organizing your list of hashtags for a status update. The use of hashtags on particular days of the week is very common.
Hashtags for Social Media Holidays
January 1: National Bloody Mary Day – #nationalbloodymaryday
January 1: New Year’s Day – #newyearsday
January 2: World Introvert Day – #worldintrovertday
January 4: National Spaghetti Day – #nationalspaghettiday
January 4: National Trivia Day – #nationaltriviaday
January 5: National Bird Day – #nationalbirdday
January 5: National Keto Day – #nationalketoday
January 6: National Cuddle Up Day – #nationalcuddleupday
January 8: National Bubble Bath Day – #bubblebathday
January 10: National Houseplant Appreciation Day – #houseplantappreciationday
January 11: National Human Trafficking Awareness Day – #humantraffickingawarenessday
January 11: National Milk Day – #nationalmilkday
January 12: International Kiss A Ginger Day – #kissagingerday
January 13: National Clean Off Your Desk Day – #cleanoffyourdeskday
January 14: National Dress Up Your Pet Day – #dressupyourpetday
January 15: National Bagel Day – #nationalbagelday
January 15: National Hat Day – #nationalhatday
January 16: Blue Monday – #bluemonday
January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day – #mlkday
January 18: National Winnie The Pooh Day – #winniethepoohday
January 19: Get to Know Your Customers Day – #gettoknowyourcustomersday
January 19: National Popcorn Day – #nationalpopcornday
January 21: National Hugging Day – #nationalhuggingday
January 22: Lunar New Year – #lunarnewyear
January 23: National Handwriting Day – #nationalhandwritingday
January 23: National Pie Day – #nationalpieday
January 24: National Compliment Day – #nationalcomplimentday
January 24: National Peanut Butter Day – #nationalpeanutbutterday
January 26: National Green Juice Day – #nationalgreenjuiceday
January 26: National Spouses Day – #nationalspousesday
January 27: International Holocaust Remembrance Day – #holocaustremembranceday
January 27: National Chocolate Cake Day – #chocolatecakeday
January 28: International Lego Day – #legoday
January 28: National Have Fun At Work Day – #funatworkday
January 29: National Puzzle Day – #nationalpuzzleday
January 30: National Croissant Day – #nationalcroissantday
January 31: National Hot Chocolate Day – #nationalhotchocolateday
January 31: Inspire Your Heart With Art Day – #inspireyourheartwithartday
It can be tedious to find the best and most popular hashtags. I hope this helped you.
Happy 2023!