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Services to support business growth &
improve productivity 

Keyboard and Mouse

Social Media Management 

Manage Content and Engagement on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Managing an active social media account is dedication and resource-intensive. We increase your brand awareness and engagement, with an aim to generate clients for your business.


Social Media Management Services:

  • Account Creation & Optimisation

  • Creating content and visual graphics (Canva)

  • Content Calendar (Planning and scheduling)

  • Post Management engagement

  • Account Audit (Analytical reporting, hashtags, and best practices)

Keyboard and Mouse

Administrative Management 

Customer Relations and Secretarial Assistance

Our admin services are extensive with efficiency and reliability as core benefits.


Administration Management Services:

  • Email Marketing (Editing, scheduling, metric reporting)

  • Market research (Secondary & primary)

  • Business document creation and editing

  • Travel coordination

  • Basic site management (updating main content, blogs, images)

  • Customer relationship management (Hubspot)

  • New - Zoom Technical Support

  • New - Procurement Services

  • New - Property Services

  • New - Relocation Assistance

  • Business Plan Writing 

  • SWOT Analysis


Virtual & In-Person Events

Planning, Coordination and After Event Services

Focus on creating good content and high engagement for your event and let us help you with the planning and coordination.


Event Coordination Service includes:

  • Event plan & budget

  • Promotion of the event online & offline*

  • Vendor negotiation or platform research**

  • Registration & coordination of registrants, partners, and suppliers

  • Day of materials (Welcome package, name tags)

  • Post-event follow-up (Surveys and thank you emails)


*Offline dependent on location and accessibility

** Benchmark the best online platforms to achieve your event goals

Business Card Design

Brand Identity & Design 

Increase brand awareness and build credibility

Create an impact with your clients by reconnecting your brand image, tone and visual identity. 


Branding Services include:

  • Brand Strategy (Redefined brand values, market insight and opportunities, competitor and industry analysis, and key brand messages)

  • Logo creation (Web, Responsive & Print)

  • Brand Guidelines (Colour Palette, Typography and Tone)

  • Business Card & Letterhead

  • Social Media Templates

  • Other Marketing Materials* (Billboard, Banners, Flyers, Graphical Elements)


*Additional service cost

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